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  • 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training $2,998 / $2,798 if paid in FULL 30 days prior to start date (deposit $400)

  • *Included: Bootie Camp Yoga® Certification (a $425 value. My gift to you)



*ALL tuition must be paid by start date (unless special arrangements have been made)

*For private instruction modules, gas is added to tuition (amount depends on location)

*Off-site whole weekend retreats will be added to tuition.

*Payments can be broken up into 5 or less payments 

*Off-site whole weekend retreats will be added to tuition.

*If you need a payment plan just ask!



*prices are subject to change without notice. a $25 fee is charged for all returned checks

*Deposits are non-refundable and amount is credited towards your tuition.  We do not offer tuition refunds 2 weeks prior to start of module (up to 30 days is 25% refund, 31-60 days is

  50% refund). the balance will be credited towards a future training or workshop.

*prices are subject to change without notice.


Winter Module 2023 
Please inquire for more details:

CUSTOMIZED MODULES (ongoing...private, semi-private & online)

  • Flexible with intensive home study 

  • Field Trips to the Beach for Practice (included)

  • Specialty Workshops (included)

  • Bootie Camp Yoga® certification (included)


10 WEEK MODULES: (2  1/2 days plus online & specialty classes)

  • Field Trips to the Beach for Practice (included)

  • Specialty Workshops (included)

  • Bootie Camp Yoga® certification (included)


*an extra fee is added for special weekend mountain or beach retreats.

*weekdays/times are subject to change depending on the needs of each group

*an extra fee will be added for private training's outside of Temecula.




  • I graduated Yoga Teacher Training with Michelle August 2022. This was a beautiful well-rounded experience. Through meditation, beach yoga, park yoga, paddle boarding, beading stone bracelets, Partner Thai massages, journaling, history, anatomy, learning about your inner self, creating friendships, and so much more. She is so passionate and invested in your journey though YTT. She was always 100% present each day we met and makes you feel so comfortable, welcomed, and loved you will never hesitate to ask for help. Her hands on training prepares you for your future as a yoga instructor.  Having Michelle as a mentor has been so inspiring. Her love for yoga and dedication for her students shows you she's there for your success. If you are looking for an experience with every avenue through yoga Michelle is your girl! -BraeLyn Aguilar šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ



  • ā€‹My Yoga Teacher Training was such an amazing experience. Not only did I learn so much about yoga postures and philosophies, but more about myself and my body. The experience with Michelle and the other girls will never be forgotten. It was refreshing to leave my environment and go to different locations to experience different styles as well as outdoor environments. Paddleboard Yoga was a hoot and practicing yoga on the beach was amazing. Michelle is such an incredible mentor for all of her students, and no one can compare with how she pulled off all of the required lessons into a fun, yet challenging experience! ~Michelle Rotelle, owner of Sweat Cardio & Yoga


  • Recently, I underwent Michelle Leilani Trabelsi’s YTT 200 Program (yoga teacher training) I was part of her first graduating class. I wanted to share my review I wrote up for her, as she was an OUTSTANDING teacher and I know her next training begins Nov 10th! A complete and honest review of Michelle’s YTT 200 Program:  6 days ago, I “graduated” Michelle’s YTT 200 Program—I was one the first 3 in-person trainees to undergo her school. I was the youngest, and only non-fitness teacher in the group, AND I have a toddler. Prior to joining her YTT school, I had known Michelle just shy of 3 years, originally meeting her during a BCY class. Of my two fellow classmates, I didn’t know one at all going in, and the other I “thought” I knew. Early on in the program, we did one of my favorite activities, “if you really knew me”. That day, I truly bonded with not only Michelle, but my other two YTT sisters. It humanized us, bonded us, and brought us together on a whole new level.  ā€‹I won’t lie, this program is CHALLENGING both physically and mentally. You will be TIRED. Like on a whole new level, and you’ll be sore—but I promise, you will leave a changed person. I missed my daughter, and I even celebrated my birthday at YTT. You get what you put into this program. You have to show up, be present, and come to class everyday ready to learn—and sweat haha. During our time, we did some SPECTACULAR work shops/outings. Most notably of these were Paddle board yoga, Yoga puncture, and Restorative workshop. Besides the physical practice, we grew mentally and emotionally as people. These ladies were humanized, and humbled, myself included. Prior to YTT, I had NEVER taught a day in my life. 6 days post graduation, I have 3 places of employment, and I’m bringing two new classes to two separate gyms! I credit Michelle largely for giving me the confidence and tools to have this outstanding running head start. If you’re on the fence about joining—I’ll be the first to tell you, you better jump over that fence and run towards Michelle! I now have 3 new sisters for life, and I not only considered Michelle a teacher and mentor, but also a friend.~Heidi Pins October 2017


  • For those of you out there looking into your YTT I highly recommend you having Michelle Trabelsi as your spiritual guider! She is one of the strongest women I have met (spiritually and physically ), and I was lucky enough to be part of her first YTT course! Michelle will guide you through vinyasa crescent and warrior flows, sun salutations, inversions, cueing,anatomy, the 8 limbs, the 7 Chakras, self love, self discipline, forgiveness, mindfulness and so much more! Her program is very well balanced and their is never a dull moment! My 5 week 200 hour training impacted my life in such a positive way that I will forever be grateful for Michelle and my Yoga sisters and the special bond we made through this powerful journey. ~Mari Mc Cormick Dec 2, 2017

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